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Privacy-Compliant Visual Content for Marketing

Marketing professionals increasingly face the challenge of leveraging visual content while adhering to data protection laws like GDPR. Regulatory considerations are even more important in places like Switzerland where the banking secrecy laws require the highest levels of client confidentiality.

Egonym Unlocks Marketing Content While Reducing Costs

Egonym’s Generative AI technology effectively removes facial identities from images and videos and replaces them with a synthetically generated random identity.


AI-based anonymization that replaces original identity with an artificial randomized identity


Photorealistic Quality

Egonym’s anonymization solution retains the quality of the original image

Scene Preservation

Egonym’s technology accurately targets the face alone, ensuring that the other parts of the image or video are undisturbed. The technology also retains valuable attributes such as sentiment, gaze, age, gender, and ethnicity; this ensures that the overall context is preserved.

0s 10s
Fast Results

Editing a single face with tools like Photoshop™ can take between 3-4 hours of manual effort. Egonym anonymizes each face in milliseconds, enabling marketing teams to release content in a timely manner without being constrained by the editing process.

0 hours Time savings
0 % Cost reduction
High Return on Investment

By avoiding manual face editing on standard tools like Photoshop™, marketing teams can now save over 2/3rd of the costs involved in photo editing. The savings can be reallocated higher value tasks such as planning and deploying new marketing campaigns.

Your asset
Egonymization process
Choose from many versions
Minimize Privacy Risk

Choose from multiple new identities that suits your needs the most. A new random irreversible identity is generated every time the same person’s face is run through our application, thus reducing the risk of the target person being identified.

Detailed Use Case Scenarios

Suitable For Various Applications

  • Event Marketing

    Photos and videos captured during events are frequently used for creating social media or blog posts. Data regulations, such as FADP, give individuals the right to revoke consent anytime. Egonym resolves this problem as individuals are no longer recognizable and thus the content is not subject to privacy regulations.

  • Ethical Customer Profiling

    For companies interested in building accurate customer profiles using cameras, Egonym scrubs identities while preserving valuable attributes (age, gender, ethnicity, gaze and sentiment). The insights generated from anonymized data can then be used for targeted marketing campaigns.

  • Street Photography

    In certain countries, photography in public spaces is regulated (e.g. Switzerland) and privacy violation fines are extremely high. Photographers no longer need to worry about privacy violations or consent withdrawals when taking photographs in public spaces. By using Egonym, photographers can focus on what they do best.

Get In Touch

Reach out to discover how egonymization can unlock new applications for your business