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This cookie policy ("Cookie Policy") explains how this website, available on ("Website"), uses cookies and similar technologies (collectively "Tools") provided either by us or by third parties.  

These Services are used by Egonym AG, Technoparkstrasse 1, 8005 Zurich, Switzerland ("Company", "we", "our", or "us"). The Company is the controller for the data processing described in the privacy policy. 

A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your device. Comparable technologies are in particular web storage (local / session storage), fingerprints, tags or pixels. Most browsers are set by default to accept cookies and similar technologies. However, you can usually adjust your browser settings so that these Tools are rejected or only stored with your prior consent. If you refuse these Tools, you may not be able to use all of our services without problems.

In the following, the Tools we use are listed, whereby we inform you in particular about the providers of the Tools, the storage period of the Tools and the transfer of data to third parties. We also explain in which cases we obtain your voluntary consent to use the Tools and how you can revoke this consent.


1. Legal basis and revocation

1.1 Legal basis

We use Tools that are necessary for the operation of the Website on the basis of our legitimate interest in enabling you to use our Website more conveniently and individually and to make use of it as time-saving as possible. In certain cases, these Tools may also be necessary for the performance of a contract or to carry out pre-contractual measures. In these cases, access to and storage of information in the terminal device is absolutely necessary and is carried out in the EU on the basis of the implementation laws of the ePrivacy Directive of the EU member states.

We use all other Tools, especially those for marketing purposes, on the basis of your consent. In these cases, access to and storage of information in the end device is subject to consent and is carried out in the EU on the basis of the implementation laws of the ePrivacy Directive of the EU member states.

If personal data is transferred to third countries, we refer you to our privacy policy, also with regard to the risks this may entail. If you have given your consent to use certain Tools, we will (also) transfer the data processed when using the Tools to third countries on the basis of this consent.

1.2 Obtaining your consent

Our Website uses Hubspot to collect and manage consent and any revocations. When you make a decision in the consent banner, a cookie is set that records your consent or refusal. We use this technically necessary cookie on the basis of our legitimate interest in documenting your consent. Access to and storage of information in the end device is absolutely necessary in these cases and is carried out in the EU on the basis of the implementation laws of the ePrivacy Directive of the EU member states. If you delete your cookies, we will ask you for your consent again when you access the Website at a later date.

1.2 Withdrawing your consent or changing your selection

You can revoke your consent for certain or all Tools at any time. To do so, please write an email to There you can also change the selection of Tools you wish to consent to as well as find additional information on the cookies and the respective storage period. Alternatively, you can assert your revocation for certain Tools directly with the provider.

2. Essential Tools

We use certain Tools to enable the basic functions of our Website ("Essential Tools"). Without these Tools, we could not provide our service. Therefore, Essential Tools are used without consent based on our legitimate interests or to fulfil a contract or to carry out pre-contractual measures. These Tools include cookies as listed below.

2.1 Cloudflare

Our website uses Cloudfare, a service provided by Cloudfare Inc., 101 Townsend Street, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA. Cloudflare is used to optimise the loading times of our website and to secure it. This serves to detect potential threats to our website from malware at an early stage and to optimise the loading times of our website.

This Tool uses the following cookies:

  • __cf_bm (30 minutes): cookie placed by Cloudfare to protect our website from bad bots. This cookie contains information related to the calculation of Cloudfare’s proprietary bot score and, when Anomaly Detection is enabled on Bot Management, a session identifier. This cookie is generated independently by Cloudfare and does not correspond to any user ID or other identifiers in a customer’s web application;
  • __cfruid (session): cookie required to manage incoming traffic and to have better visibility on the origin of a particular request;

To know more about Cloudfare's cookie usage, consult it's privacy policy here.

2.2 Hubspot

Our Website uses Hubspot, a service provided by Hubspot Ireland Limited, 2nd Floor, 30 North Wall Quay, Dublin 1, Ireland ("Hubspot"). Hubspot sets cookies when a user visits our Website that allow us to collect and register proper consent from users for the Tools we use as well as to allow for basic functionalities of our website to work, such as our website forms. 

This Tool uses the following cookies:

  • _hs_cookie_cat_pref (6 months): used to record the categories of tools a visitor has consented to;
  • __cfuvid (session): set by Hubspot’s CDN provider due to rate limiting policies.

To know more about Hubspot's cookie usage, consult its privacy policy here.

2.3 Other essential tools

Besides the essential tools described above, our website also sets the following tools:

  • JSESSIONID (session): cookie used for session management

3. Non-Essential Tools

In order to improve our Website, we use Tools to collect statistics and analyse general usage behaviour based on access data ("Non-Essential Tools"). We also use analytics services to evaluate the use of our various marketing channels. The legal basis for these Tools is – unless otherwise stated – your consent.

3.1 Hubspot

Our Website uses Hubspot, a service provided by Hubspot Ireland Limited, 2nd Floor, 30 North Wall Quay, Dublin 1, Ireland ("Hubspot"). Hubspot sets cookies when a user visits our Website for tracking purposes, in order to understand how they use it so that we may build and maintain our service through user feedback.

This Tool uses the following cookies:

  • __cf_bm (30 minutes): Cookie set by HubSpot’s CDN provider used for bot protection;
  • _cfuvid (session): Cookie set by HubSpot’s CDN provider due to rate limiting policies;
  • __hstc (6 months): It is HubSpot’s main tracking cookie. It contains the domain, hubspotutk, initial timestamp (first visit), last timestamp (last visit), current timestamp (this visit), and session number (increments for each subsequent session);
  • Hubspotutk (6 months): Keeps track of a visitor’s identity. It is passed to HubSpot on form submission and used when deduplicating contacts. It contains an opaque GUID to represent the current visitor;
  • __hssc (30 minutes): Keeps track of sessions. This cookie is used to determine if HubSpot should increment the session number and timestamps in the __hstc cookie. It contains the domain, viewCount (increments each pageview in a session), and session start timestamp;
  • __hssrc (session): if this cookie does not exsit when HubSpot manages cookies, it is considered a new session. Whenever HubSpot changes the session cookie, this cookie is also set to determine if the visitor restarted their browser. It contains the value “1” when present.

To know more about Hubspot's cookie usage, consult its privacy policy here.

4. Changes to this cookie policy

We may update our Cookie Policy from time to time. We, therefore, encourage you to review this Cookie Policy periodically for any changes. 

Changes to this Cookie Policy are effective when they are posted on this page.

5. Changes to this cookie policy

If you have any questions about this Cookie Policy, do not hesitate to get in touch with Egonym AG, at Technoparkstrasse 1, 8005 Zurich, Switzerland or through